Filming in Israel

Friends, we are in Israel!

In Israel, we have filmed Ülo's friends - Misha and Ira Grobmanov. An obituary of Sooster, published in the Moscow Artist newspaper on November 12, 1970, is still preserved in their archives.

It was Misha Grobman who persuaded the widow of Ülo, Lydia Sooster, to write memoirs. They were printed in the Russian-language magazine "Mirror", which is published in Israel Ira and Misha.

Mikhail Grobmann
Irina Grobmann

We visited a workshop where, after 55 years, Tenno printed the etching of Ülo. The artist himself rejected the board and used it as a stand. Tenno brought plexiglass to Israel and only here, having learned how to make etchings, printed it…

Ulo's granddaughter Meedi

We visited a workshop where, after 55 years, Tenno printed the etching of Ülo. The artist himself rejected the board and used it as a stand. Tenno brought plexiglass to Israel and only here, having learned how to make etchings, printed it…

© RevalFilm 
 - Pae 21, Tallinn,  "Revalfilm OÜ", 
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